JR News

{香港JR设计 HK JR Design}聯席機制的建立
china is changing rapidly, and the world is seeing a consensus in china. the efficiency of the chinese government and large state-owned enterpris..
{香港JR设计 HK JR Design}我司完成北京佛教文化产业园设计
the industrial park designed with buddhism and jadeite as a cultural theme is a challenge for jr designers.以佛教,翡翠为文化主题设计的产业园,是jr设计师的挑战。但jr设计师在主设计..
{香港JR设计 HK JR Design}福州空港城及洲際假日酒店項目開工建設!
the fuzhou airport and intercontinental holiday inn project, which is planned and built by hongkong jr, has started construction.由香港jr设计承担的规划,建筑和..
{香港JR设计 HK JR Design}放飞梦想,飞得更高
the interior design department is a very important department in jr design. they undertake the design of several international top brand hotels.进..