JR News

香港JR设计 HK JR Design-任命书
in recognition of professor raymond chueng, chief design master of hong kong jr, who has made outstanding contributions and excellent skills in t..
香港JR设计 HK JR Design-获奖
professor raymond, chief designer of hong kong jr design group, won the first prize for professional courses in the 2024 "china excellent ed..
香港JR设计 HK JR Design-嵩縣環湖東線道路完工啟用
by hong kong jr as the design contractor to contact china communications a public bureau, henan provincial regulatory institute, china constructi..
香港JR设计 HK JR Design-浙江安吉文旅大健康项目
at the beginning of may, the senior management of the company was invited by the anji government to conduct site reconnaissance and investigation..